Sessions & Speakers

Session 1

Envisioning Futurities of an Abolitionist Central American Studies Through Love and Solidarity

Eileen Michelle Galvez

Assistant Dean of Yale College, Directora of Yale's La Casa Cultural, and
Ph.D. Candidate at Colorado State University

Katy Maldonado Dominguez

Ph.D. Candidate, American Studies

Yale University

bri rodriguez

Ph.D. Student, Education

University of Pittsburgh

Nalya Rodriguez, Ph.D.

Incoming Assistant Professor, Criminology & Justice Studies
California State University, Northridge

Melanie Y. White, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Afro-Caribbean Studies

Georgetown University

Keynote by Rosa Chávez

Mi aliento, mi respiración
My breath, my breathing

“Nací en Iximlew, nombre con el que reivindicamos nuestro territorio originario. Reconozco a la poesía como mi columna vertebral. En mi camino de vida retomo el tejido de las palabras y con ello la recuperación del poder de la palabra, la recuperación de mi voz, de mi saliva, de mi aliento que es personal pero también colectivo al ser parte de un pueblo. Escribir poesía, hacer arte, ha significado para mí un recorrido de resistencia, lucha, resiliencia y goce profundo. Este andar se ha trenzado junto a las luchas de mi pueblo, de las mujeres y de las comunidades de la que soy parte”. 

Rosa is a poet, artist, & activist of Mayan K’iche Kaqchiquel origin who has studied social sciences, cultural management, cinema, and audiovisual performances. The author of five poetry books, her work has been widely anthologized and translated into Maya K’iche’, French, English, and Norwegian, among other languages. She has also experimented with other artistic expressions such as theater, performance, video and currently with music in the duo project: Selva y Cerro, which combines poetry, electronic music and traditional instruments. Rosa also works enthusiastically and passionately with women and Indigenous movements in Guatemala. 

Session 2


Kaysha Corinealdi, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of History

Emerson College

Kency Cornejo, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Contemporary Latin American & Latinx Art

University of New Mexico

Nicole D. Ramsey, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Mexican American and Latin@ Studies & Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
University of Texas 

Melanie Y. White, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Afro-Caribbean Studies

Georgetown University

Session 3: Roundtable

Central American Narratives: Histories for the Future

John Manuel Arias

Poet & Writer

Rosa Chávez

Poet, Artist, Activist

Daniel Flores y Ascencio

Editor, Poet, Filmmaker

Jessica Hoppe


Julio Serrano Echeverría

Writer, Poet, Journalist, Filmmaker and Multidisciplinary Artist

Freddy Jesse Izaguirre

Session Facilitator

Session 4

Social Movements

Daisy E. Guzman Nunez, Ph.D.

Miriam Jiménez Román Postdoctoral Fellow, The Latinx Project
New York University

Katy Maldonado Dominguez

Ph.D. Candidate, American Studies

Yale University

Damaris Sánchez

Environmental Activist,
Coordinator of Panama's National Network in Defense of Water

Cristian Padilla Romero

Ph.D. Candidate, History, Yale University; Visiting Lecturer in History, Trinity College

Session 5

New Obstacles

Luciana Chamorro, Ph.D.

Visiting Assistant Professor
of Anthropology, University of Michigan

Jorge Cuéllar, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Latin American, Latino & Caribbean Studies, Dartmouth University

Andrea Ixchíu

Journalist, land protector, human rights activist

Irma Alicia Velásquez Nimatuj, Ph.D.


Journalist, activist, social anthropologist, human rights defender

Open Mic with Special Guest MC Sheila Maldonado

Join us as we close our conference with a special open mic event hosted by poet Sheila Maldonado, New York-based poet and author of the poetry collections that's what you get (Brooklyn Art Press, 2021) and one-bedroom solo (Fly by Night Press / A Gathering of the Tribes, 2011). All attendees are welcome to share their creative work!